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Gloppen har mykje å by på!

Medan vinteren ikkje vil heilt sleppe taket og nysnøen dalar ned på grøne gras-strå, tenkjer eg at dette er den finaste tida. Linerla har nett kome, snøen ligg fint i fjella, og vi kjenner at kropp og sjel har godt av lange, lyse dagar og meir varme. Ønskjer du å lese ei bok som verkeleg…

A sustainability guide to travelling in Norway

Many of us are concerned about how we impact our surroundings, the environment and the climate – this both as individuals and as a people. When travelling we’re normally emitting more CO2 than in our daily lives, most often due to that we’re transported from our homes to somewhere else. And luckily many tour operators,…

Top 3 of the fjords of Norway

A very specific and easy-to-use guide to activities in the Fjords of Norway. Top 10, 35 and 100 lists are flourishing online these days. Everyone’s eager to show just how many places you should visit in 2020, how many different options you have, and what a huge range of activities you can choose from. When…